Sample 2: Barclay’s Formula Paragraph integration
Through generations people were able to create an identity and share it truthfully, but in more recent years identities have changed. People use social media to portray themselves as they see fit. They do this by only posting what they think their audience would like or what the individual prefers to share. It is seen in the first chapter of dana boyd’s, It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, that teens may portray a different persona online than in real life. boyd states that “In order to stabilize the context in their own minds, teens do what others before them have done: just like journalists and politicians, teens imagine the audience they’re trying to reach” (boyd 31). For some, social media is important, having certain standards for posts and images. When using a platform, some think of their audience, if they don’t get a certain amount of likes or comments, they delete it. This goes with sharing the identity people want to know, some target just a certain audience to please them instead of themselves.