Social Media Data

Social Media Data

I believe that data is mostly collected through online shopping and social media for me. I frequently visit social media platforms and have a lot of information regarding myself on these platforms. I use these everyday and usually all day. I also find myself shopping online a lot, more than I should. When I need something I find it easiest to go online and grab it off of Amazon, because it seems to be cheaper and I can get it in a short period of time. When I go on Amazon or another online shopping site it always has suggestions on what I could buy, and they’re usually things that I would enjoy buying. But for the most part a lot of my data comes from social media. Another way that a lot of my data is collected is using search engines to look for information. I look things up a lot if I don’t know what they are or if I need clarification on something. Also, I use my email frequently, to see recent purchases, emails from professors, and other students I may be doing a project with. Overall, there is a plethora of data that can be collected through my social media use, online shopping, search engines, and pretty much anything that I do on my cell phone or computer.

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