Big Data Thesis
Big data could potentially advance health care with different and new treatments that are cost efficient with data collected. However, it could possibly be a threat to privacy. Patient information could be leaked which could include family history, insurance and credit card information, and current patient conditions and treatments. Possible sources for this paper could include: Bates, David W., et al. Big Data in Health Care: Using Analytics to Identify and Manage High-Risk and High-Cost Patients. Health Affairs, Journal Article,…
Social Media Data
I believe that data is mostly collected through online shopping and social media for me. I frequently visit social media platforms and have a lot of information regarding myself on these platforms. I use these everyday and usually all day. I also find myself shopping online a lot, more than I should. When I need something I find it easiest to go online and grab it off of Amazon, because it seems to be cheaper and I can get it…
Sample 2: Social Media Project active reading
Above were two of my annotations for the Social Media Project. The first is an annotation that I had worked hard on because I made it so I could identify the “they say, I say”, footnote, connections, and main points. I found that this way was more beneficial to me rather than my second annotation. I had done my second annotation before the first one, so I had just highlighted main points and added notes to the side. This method…
Revision Process
During my revision process, I was able to go back into the text to strengthen my naysayer. I also went back through to add more detail to areas that were vague and needed explanation. I spent most of the sixty minutes of revision by going through my sources and looking for more evidence that would support my claims. I was able to pull two more pieces of evidence after going through the sources. One was to support my claim and…
Sample 2: Barclay’s Formula Paragraph integration
Through generations people were able to create an identity and share it truthfully, but in more recent years identities have changed. People use social media to portray themselves as they see fit. They do this by only posting what they think their audience would like or what the individual prefers to share. It is seen in the first chapter of dana boyd’s, It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, that teens may portray a different persona online than in…
Chapter One boyd Response
I agree with boyd that social media can be tricky and can be confusing to teens, but we are able to navigate and adapt to the changes being presented. boyd presents that teenagers make different identities on social media to become a better person than in real life. However boyd states, “They are grappling with battles that adults face, but they are doing so while under constant surveillance and without a firm grasp of who they are ” (boyd 53)….
What is your current social media self?
I use Instagram the most now. I have two different accounts one for everyday kind of stuff and the other one is my photography account. I usually don’t use Facebook unless I’m tagged or I’m watching videos and I rarely use twitter just because I forget about it. One of my most used things is my Snapchat, I am always taking to people and sending the pictures, and trying to keep my streaks.
Eulogy Tweet
r.i.p. to ems2501 and how she always used to raise her eyebrows way too high in all her selfies
TED Talk: Robert Waldinger’s “What Makes a Good Life”
In Robert Waldinger’s “What Makes a Good Life” he explains the longest study of history and how it went on for 75 years, it was a study on happiness. They studied around 700 men from Harvard and followed them through life to see what factors made them happy. Waldinger observed that some were thriving and some were going in the opposite direction. The researchers took three big things away from the study one being that loneliness kills and that connections…